There usually comes a time whether you’re a web designer adding a location to a website, or simply trying to send someone a specific address and need the exact longitude and latitude of a location on google maps, but for all their incredible feats, Google haven’t made this aspect of Google Maps very self-explanatory and so we thought we’d write a quick blog just explaining how to get the longitude and latitude of a location of Google maps.

The process is actually really simple it’s just the fact that it’s hard to find the exact method to do it! For this example we’re going to use our office address to show you how to do it.


Step 1: Find General Location

So the first step is of course to generally locate the destination you are looking to pinpoint on Google Maps by visiting here –

As you can see in this example our office address is located by the red pin.


Step 2: Right-Click Location

Once you have found the exact location you simply need to hover your mouse cursor over that location and right-click (ctrl+click on Mac) to get the drop-down menu to appear.

Once this menu shows just click ‘What’s here?’



Step 3: Copy Longitude and Latitude

As soon as you click ‘What’s here?’ a popup box appears at the bottom of your screen. This will show a street view  image, the address then right at the very bottom in light grey will be the exact longitude and latitude of that location.

In this example our office address is – 53.195268, -1.013034



And that’s it, it’s as simple as that! You can now just copy and paste those numbers wherever you need to input the longitude and latitude of any address on Google Maps.

As we said before, the method is pretty simple (not simple enough in our humble opinion, but who are we to argue with Google!? haha) it’s just a case of once you know the method, you’ll always remember how to find the longitude and latitude on Google Maps.

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